Reflecting on Food: From the Stars to a Relationship of Repairing

In this short article we want to glimpse at food and the journey and connections, between food systems and food genesis, that makes possible society supply. Our aim is to reflect on this supplies, that often are considered as given, we see this a problematic, because in everyday life in western societies we give food for granted. Thus, as a way to tackle this, we suggest the concept of "food repair", an old-new-way to create a more sustainable relationship with food.

The Private and the Public Game: A Focus on the Innovation Processes inside the U.S. Space Sector

(English) This research explores the innovation process inside the US Space sector. It does it by inquiring about the economic and social partnership that is taking place between the private sector, taking part in the industry under the form of commercial companies, and the government that participates in the sector under the form of research organizations and state institutions such as NASA and the Department of Defense. Research shows that the space industry has a low presence of financial institutions such as banks, making it an interesting case to study the interaction and dialogue between the private and the state regarding innovation. After an introduction, chapter 1 presents the research question. The research question addresses the innovation processes inside the US space sector. To better investigate, the research question is broken down into five sub-questions, each based on a core element of investigation of the research, respectively: (i) motivation; (ii) strategy; (iii) competition; (iv) organization; and (v) funding; the chapter continues by presenting the conceptual and analytical framework that the research follows. Chapter 2 summarizes the current views of the innovation process with investments. Chapter 3 is a literature review on the state of the art of the US Space sector from an economic perspective. The research uses both quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore the topic. Therefore, Chapter 4 describes the thesis's operationalization, while chapter 5 presents the main results from the two studies. Chapter 6 is the conclusion chapter. The research makes conclusions and answers by adopting a triangulation methodology between the quantitative, the qualitative, and the literature review. Triangulation is used as a methodology because it can better capture the complex aspect of real-world phenomena as the innovation process inside the space industry. To conclude, in the same chapter, policy recommendations and reflections on the work are made.

Names, Surfaces, and Bodies: a discussion on the accessible and inaccessible

(English) In this essay, I claim that the body is dualistic, not from a Cartesian perspective but between what is accessible and what is inaccessible. Strangely how it might seem, I support this claim by examining the use of personal names on bodies, particularly in technologies like Alexa and Siri. By doing this, I can explore which commonalities are shared between bodies and technologies when it comes to personal names emphasizing a dualistic account from a phenomenological standpoint. Therefore, the essay attempts to answer the following research question: What does naming a virtual assistant technology as Alexa tell us about the mind and body? 

Breaking the analogy between AI and Humans:  an epistemological discussion on the representation model of objects 

(English) Artificial Intelligence is growing in complexity, and more often, comparisons and analogies between AI architecture and related outcomes are compared with the human brain's capacity. Moreover, from this, a question follows: what is the epistemological meaning of these processes, and how should we consider them? The aim of this essay is to highlight the differences besides the similarities. This is done by focusing on the process of representation modeling. The argument is that even if the final representation model of an object is similar between AI and humans, the paths followed by the two during the phase of generalizing information are different. Therefore, the two representations have different epistemological meanings.

The Vertical Forest: a case study for reshaping human-nature relationship through care ethics

(English) The vertical forest is an innovative building that has received appreciation from the academic world and the general public. The essay uses the ethics of care as a lens through which to analyze the different human-nature relationships that occur in the multiple contexts of the vertical forest. The aim is to verify whether these relationships actually offer an alternative to the anthropocentric and functionalist logic that guided humanity toward the Anthropocene. To conclude an outline of how care could improve the way relationships within the vertical forest is established.

Buddhism, Well-Being, and Technology: a discussion from a non-western perspective

(English) This essay explores the relationship between well-being and technology from a Buddhism perspective. The essay is divided into two parts. In the first one, a discussion around the concept of well-being is made. This discussion highlights the differences between Buddhism and theories from a more western tradition, such as hedonism, desire-fulfillment, and objective list. After having defined well-being for Buddhism, the essay will discuss how it relates to technology.

Skinner’s pigeons and their relation to technology

(English) This essay enquires the relationship between technology and animals as technological users. To do so, the essay explores the case of Skinner's pigeons experiments, where it is possible to see closely how pigeons interacted with the technological environment surrounding them. The essay explores the case from an STS and philosophical standpoint. The former applies the cyborg concept to the pigeons derived from the feminist critical technology theory. The latter analyses the case with a mediation discourse concerning the subject and the technological environment.

Phenomenology and Neon Genesis Evangelion: an ethical reflection on mind-control technologies 

(English) This article is the second of a series dedicated to mind-control technologies. In the following, after describing the technology, in the second section, I briefly apply a phenomenological perspective to Mind-control technology. Based on this, I conclude the article by drawing a parallel with the popular anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and how technology can disrupt the sense of the self.